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Five Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

By August 30, 2017January 25th, 2024No Comments

1. Know The Value of Your Case

There are multiple factors that go into valuing a personal injury claim. The main three are liability, damages, and the ability to collect damages. Established and experienced attorneys who handle personal injury get a very good feel for the true value of a case. You should hire someone who has vast knowledge of personal injury law and knows the value range of your case as it progresses.

2. Looking After Your Best Interest

A personal injury attorney gives you professional representation and is looking out for your interest above anything else. His sole responsibility is to maximize your monetary recovery for your case.

3. You Only Pay If They Win

Personal injury attorneys are usually paid on a contingency basis. Contingent means their pay occurs upon them recovering money for you. Should they not succeed in the merits of your case the fee is not due to them.

4. They Handle The Case While You Recover

Trying to recover from your injuries while handling a claim yourself is stressful, but also exposes you to dealing with an insurance company from a position of weakness. Insurance companies are in the business of making money by paying out as little as possible, and it is well known that insurance companies pay individuals less compensation when they do not have an attorney. The more serious your injury the more likely it is that you need an experienced attorney to help you.

5. Trial Setting

Sometimes the first time an insurance company gets serious about a case is when there is a pending trial setting. Unfortunately, non-lawyers simply do not have the training necessary to take their own case to trial and succeed.

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The Witt Law Firm, P.C.
1500 Broadway Street
Suite 102A
Lubbock, TX 79401

Principal Office Lubbock, Texas.
Licensed in Texas and New Mexico.
